Carissa Wright
Grand Worthy Advisor
Session: Faith Makes Things Possible
Motto: “I wish you enough.”
Fun Emblems: Peaches, bird houses, strawberries, mason jars, teapots, tea cups, fireflies, lanterns, floppy hats, parasols, and breast cancer ribbon.
Scripture: “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” – Hebrew 13:2
Colors: Peach, Tiffany Blue, Lavender, and Mint
Flower: Magnolia, Wisteria, and Dogwood
Songs: “Waiting Outside the Lines”, “In this Life”, “Hair”, “Today my Life Begins”, “Who You Are”, and “Marching On”
Honor Stations: Faith
Special Project: Breast Cancer Awareness
Mascot: Deer
2017-2018 Grand Officers
Name | Title | Lodge |
Carissa Wright | Grand Worthy Advisor | Jonesboro #77 |
Madison Ricketts | Grand Worthy Associate Advisor | Hope #4 |
Elise Hegeman | Grand Charity | Cherokee #80 |
Destanie Spencer | Grand Hope | Albany #28 |
Autumn Asbill | Grand Faith | Savannah #1 |
Leslie Ricketts | Grand Recorder | Hope #4 |
Kelsey Archer | Grand Treasurer | Friendship #16 |
Kayla Pyrtle | Grand Chaplain | Jonesboro #77 |
McKenzie Knight | Grand Drill Leader | Columbus #15 |
Lexie Scott | Grand Love | Savannah #1 |
Hannah Crews | Grand Religion | Columbus #15 |
Kaleigh Minyard | Grand Nature | Hiram #84 |
Rebecca Hardy | Grand Immortality | Columbus #15 |
Katie Christian | Grand Fidelity | Faith #12 |
Kaysie Faucett | Grand Patriotism | Cherokee #80 |
Rachael Kilpatrick | Grand Service | Battle Hill #57 |
Abby McQueen | Grand Confidential Observer | Savannah #1 |
Fiona Alsup | Grand Outer Observer | Charity #37 |
Erica Harris | Grand Musician | Dawn Hughes #6 |
Brianna Kilpatrick | Grand Choir Director | Battle Hill #57 |
Abigail Lindner | Grand Soloist | Cherokee #80 |
Cora Harris | Grand Historian | Cherokee #80 |
Rebecca Hardy | Grand Correspondent | Columbus #15 |
Brianna Coe | Grand Protem | Battle Hill #57 |
Savannah Daniel | Grand Protem | Dawn Hughes #6 |
Sadi Faucett | Grand Protem | Cherokee #80 |
Cesia Rodriguez | Grand Protem | Friendship #16 |
Amber Short | Grand Protem | Columbus #15 |
2017-2018 Junior State Executive Committee
Name | Title | Lodge |
Lacey Rooks | PGWA | Hiram #84 |
Erin Moore | PGWA | Columbus #15 |
Elise Hegeman | Cherokee #80 | |
Jennie Williams | Hiram #84 | |
Autumn Asbill | Savannah #1 | |
Rebecca Hardy | Columbus #15 | |
Abigail Lindner | Cherokee #80 | |
Miranda Sanders | Charity #37 |
2017-2018 Grand Representatives
State | Name | Lodge |
AL & MS | Lexi Todaro | Savannah #1 |
AK & Canada | Heather Byers | Friendship #16 |
AZ & CA | Emily Foster | Columbus #15 |
AR & LA | Alex Shofman | Jonesboro #77 |
CO & Romania | Jennie Williams | Hiram #84 |
CT & West Brazil | Rylee Chafin | Charity #37 |
FL & Central Brazil | Beth Ray | Hope #4 |
HI & Philippines | Heaven Scarberry | Freedom #38 |
IL & IN | Brieanna Jones | Faith #12 |
IA/MN & OR | Natalie Fowler | Jonesboro #77 |
KS & NE | Jasmine Fitzpatrick | Cherokee #80 |
KY & OH | Kennedy Thedford | Jonesboro #77 |
ME & VT | Norah Jane Gideon | Savannah #1 |
MD & Bolivia | Avery Fischer | Savannah #1 |
MA & RI | Pachance Scarberry | Freedom #38 |
MI & WI | Taylor Chumley | Savannah #1 |
MO & OK | Jennifer Young | Hope #4 |
MT & ND/SD | Rene Miller | Hope #4 |
NV & Aruba | Mackenzie Bridgeman | Friendship #16 |
NH & NJ | Tiffany Minyard | Hiram #84 |
NM & TX | Autumn Quinteros | Jonesboro #77 |
NY & WV | Cheyenne Chandler | Freedom #38 |
NC & East Brazil | Hannah Mone | Friendship #16 |
PA & VA | Kaitlyn Karazulas | Charity #37 |
SC & New South Wales | Angel Gonzales | Charity #37 |
TN, Puerto Rico, & Italy | Faith Miller | Hope #4 |
WA/ID & Queensland | Dionna Bellinger | Friendship #16 |