Ann Irwin
Grand Worthy Advisor
Session Theme: Unlimited Treasures
Motto: "What we are is God's gift to us, What we become is our gift to God."
Emblems: Treasures and the Pot of Gold
“For where your treasure is, There will be your heart also." ~Luke 12:34
Colors: Gold and White
Song: "HE"
Special Memories: This 29th annual Grand Assembly Session was held on June 24-26, 1966 in Atlanta, GA at the Dinkler Plaza Hotel and Atlanta Assembly #5 was the Hostess Assembly.
1965 - 1966 Grand Officers
Name | Title |
Ann Irwin | Grand Worthy Advisor |
Gail Fuse | Grand Worthy Associate Advisor |
Joan Vestral | Grand Charity |
Sheila Simmons | Grand Hope |
Patsy Qualls | Grand Faith |
Judy Duncan | Grand Recorder |
Dorinda Dix | Grand Treasurer |
Emma Jo Wright | Grand Chaplain |
Helen Lynn | Grand Drill Leader |
Carla Collins | Grand Love |
Wadene Braswell | Grand Religion |
Brenda Spence | Grand Nature |
Nancy Fouts | Grand Immortality |
Cynthia Brown | Grand Fidelity |
Marcia Estes | Grand Patriotism |
Barba Riding | Grand Service |
Sherrill Bailey | Grand Confidential Observer |
Donna Mikel | Grand Outer Observer |
Conchetta Edwards | Grand Musician |
Linda Jones | Grand Choir Director |
Conchetta Edwards | Grand Soloist |
Sally Atkins | Grand Historian |
Joanne Garrison | Grand Lecturer |