Here is how it happens
So have we convinced you that Rainbow is the ultimate experience when it comes to life? Are you ready to join our order?

Then first things first, are you at least ten years old?

Not yet? Don't worry! We have a group for girls ages 7 to 10 called Pledge.

Yes, you are 10? Great! The next step is to find the closest assembly to your area and request an application for membership by contacting the Mother Advisor or Supreme Inspector. Mother Advisors are listed on the GA Assemblies page and our Supreme Inspector, Mom Gena Kelley is listed on the Contact Us page.

After you sign your application, have two Rainbow girls and an adult sign it (we can help you with that), then return it to the assembly. Next, two members of the local advisory board will come out and meet with the prospect member’s parents. This gives parents an opportunity to ask any questions that they might have about the order. The adults will also explain important aspects of the assembly.

After this meeting, the application is read at the next Rainbow meeting. Then two members of the assembly and an advisor will come to your home to meet with the prospective member and their parents. This is when we tell you about all the fun activities and events that we attend and go over any questions that you or your parents may have.

Then, the girls will vote at the following Rainbow meeting and elect the prospective members to receive the degrees of the order. Then comes your initiation into the assembly.

After all of that, WELCOME to the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls! Let the journey begin!

If you are interested in joining the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls please email us with any questions.